Bank-Information for Lemco Rehab & Fysio

Bank information for LEMCO Rehab & Fysio ApS
Danske Bank Information om IBAN M.V. for LEMCO
Bank Navn / Name: Danske Bank, Holmens Kanal
Bank Address:
Danske Bank
Holmens Kanal 10-12
1092 Copenhagen K
LEMCO Konto / Account Name
Konto Nummer: 3001 4001 387383 ( Danish Krone)
IBAN: DK03 3000 4001 3873 83 (Danish Krone)
Account number: DK08 3000 4001 3918 52 (Euro)
SWIFT: DABADKKK (Euro Account)
IBAN: DK08 3000 4001 3918 52 (Euro)
Hvis du overfører vedr. en faktura, venligst notér faktura nummer på overførslen
eks. Fakt: 355
If you are transferring to pay an inoice: Please note the invoice number on the transfer. e.g. Ind 3433
If you make a transfer for an invoice / quotation please include the invoice / Proforma invoice number on the transfer: e.g. Inv: 4594
Please address any questions in regards to transfer/payment to
LEMCO: +45 3325 4002 / [email protected]