
LEMCO Core Trainer Horse Riding Machine

Hippotherapie sells électrique pour reeducation

LEMCO Core Trainer Horse Riding Machine

The LEMCO Core Trainer Horse Riding Machine is suitable for training in the following areas:

  • Special Kindergartens
  • Special Schools
  • Institutions for disabled
  • Institutions
  • Rehabilitation

LEMCO Core Trainer Horse Riding Machine provides riding training in everyday life for many who do not have the possibility of disability riding training in everyday life.

Electric Hippo Therapy for children with disabilities

LEMCO Core Trainer Advanced

We have found a worthy successor to the JOBA Electric horse riding machine, targeting both private citizens and the professional special schools with physiotherapists.

We have finally found a worthy successor to the JOBA Electric horse riding machine, targeted
Both private citizens and professional
Special schools with physiotherapists.

LEMCO CORE TRAINER is launched in late summer 2017.

CP and girls with Rett syndrome, as well as many others who need daily training in addition to hippo therapy can benefit from this Quality Horse Riding Machine from LEMCO in Denmark. The Horse Riding Machine is designed for use in Rehab and for exercising with disabled children and youngsters.

Be dialed back

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At Lemco CORE TRAINER-Ridesadlen We have: Satisfaction guarantee
No other electric rides have the same quality and features.

More information about the electric Ride/exercise Saddle

LEMCO CORE TRAINER uses advanced 3D gestures to give the user similar effects as available with ridefysiotherapy.

When you ride, the horse’s movements are transferred to your joints and muscles: Forward, back, left, right, up and down.

You respond to this “beneficial rhythm” (walking speed: 90-120 impulses per minute) and try to keep your body in balance.

The Riding Movements coach the torso’s attitude, prepare the body balance and highlight the muscle tone.

You may return the Core Trainer Advanced if you don´t feel it suits your need, and we will charge the period you had it as a renting period, and return the rest of the amount to you. This is the best satisfaction guarantee we can provide, which means that you can try it out for a few months, and avoid getting stuck with a core trainer you don’t find fantastic. 

World Wide Delivery of our Core Trainer (except US)


About Carsten Lemche

CEO og Opfinder af LEMCO Combi Bike Plus, sengecykel m.v.Jeg har arbejdet med træning og hjælpemidler siden 1985. Jeg er fascineret af hvor meget jeg kan ændre et menneskes liv, ved at give mulighed for at træne i fysioterapi eller i eget hjem. Jeg bruger meget tid på at forstå mine kunders behov, og arbejder hver dag for at udvikle og producere de bedste løsninger til mennesker i kørestol, og meget dårlig gående. Det vil glæde mig også at hjælpe dig.

2 thoughts on “LEMCO Core Trainer Horse Riding Machine

  1. Iveta Petrovická says:

    Hello, is there a video how it works? Is it comparable with Joba ? Os there possibility of seat Angle forward and backward change? Figure 8 motions? Wide range of motion in all ways? Can you provide display photo and operating video? Thank you.

    1. Hi !

      The JOBA is a unique Horse Riding Machine, this machine does not do the tilt back and forth. We have discontinued supplying the machine as the quality does not meet our high standards ( we are experts in riding machines.) so we know how it must be to work well.

      I am sorry I cannot help you currently, Development of a Horse Riding Machine for rehabilitation purpose costs 3 million USD. So if you can fund that amount of money, I should be possible to develop one within 24 months

      Best regards

      Carsten Lemche, ceo and inventor

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